Certification and post-school

Check out the information below regarding attending University or TAFE or visit the Jobs & Skills WA website for more information on post school options.
Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)
The WACE is awarded to senior secondary school students who satisfy its requirements. It is a senior secondary certificate recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Generally, students will complete two years of senior secondary study to achieve the WACE, although the School Curriculum and Standards Authority allows students to meet the WACE requirements over a lifetime.
Schools cater for students from diverse backgrounds and needs. Students can be university-bound, have a specific vocation in mind involving further education and training or be planning to enter the workforce on leaving school. The WACE is recognised by universities, industry and other training providers.
The WACE is issued to Year 12 students who have successfully met the breadth and depth standard, the achievement standard and the literacy and numeracy standard in their senior secondary schooling.
Read more about WACE requirements here
Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA)
A WASSA is issued to all students at the completion of Year 12. It lists all courses, certificates and programs students have completed in Year 11 and Year 12. (Some students on accelerated programs with approval of the Authority may have completed some of these in Year 10).
Post-school options
University Entrance
The Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) is responsible for the ranking of students for university entrance. For students who wish to be considered for university entrance, their school assessment and ATAR course examination results will be used to calculate an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
The Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) calculates the ATAR based on the school and exam score provided by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. The ATAR is based on a student's four best ATAR course results. Each course result is based 50% on school assessment and 50% on the examinations. TISC then offers university places based on the ranking. Please contact TISC for further information about the ranking of students for university entrance.
For information on alternative pathways to university visit the TISC website Alternative Entry page.
Contact TISC: General enquiries
T: 08 9318 8000
E: info@tisc.edu.au
TAFE Admissions
TAFE Admissions accepts applications for full time courses at TAFE twice per year. Applications can be submitted online at tasonline.tafe.wa.edu.au
Applications are assessed against course entrance requirements, selection criteria and any additional criteria that may apply. Requirements and how these can be met are outlined in the TAFE admissions guide for entry to full time courses
For students who do not meet the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA), there are several alternative pathways into TAFE:
- Vocational pathway (VET in schools): school students who complete a vocational course while at school can rely on their AQF qualification to demonstrate their literacy and numeracy skills (this is included in the guide) i.e. students can achieve an OLNA or a Certificate I, II or III to gain entry to a TAFE course (with the exception of qualifications within the Foundation studies training package (FSK);
- TAFE Admissions testing: TAFE Admissions adopted the reading and numeracy modules of the OLNA as its literacy and numeracy testing tool. Subject to verification with the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, school students may be eligible to register for TAFE Admissions testing if they have not sat the OLNA at school within the six months preceding TAFE Admissions testing and if they have not exhausted their maximum six attempts at the OLNA;
- Alternative assessment: students can be referred to the learning area at their preferred TAFE college for a Learning Area Assessment;
- Students can enrol at any Certificate I level, as there are no entry requirements (this is included in the guide); and
- Students can enrol into one of the foundation skills and equity courses.
A prospective student who has not achieved an OLNA and submits an application to TAFE Admissions will be guided into a learning pathway.
For Semester intake dates and available courses, please visit www.fulltimecourses.tafe.wa.edu.au
Contact TAFE Admissions
TAFE Admissions
T: 08 6212 9888
E: tafe.admissions@dtwd.wa.gov.au