Getting Organised

Get organised by checking out the information below or for more detailed information refer to the Year 12 Information Handbook or Year 10 Information Handbook.
Important Dates
26 February – 27 February | March round of the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) (Year 10–12 students) – Writing component tests. |
26 February – 14 March | March round of the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) (Year 10–12 students) – Numeracy and Reading component tests. |
14 March | Last date for online appeals against EAL/D eligibility decisions for students who submitted an application. |
28 March | Practical examination requirements for ATAR courses that have a practical component published on the Authority website. |
3 April | Last day to enrol as a non-school candidate for an examination. |
3 April | Last day for Year 12s to change their enrolment in courses (after this date you can only withdraw). |
3 April | Applications for special examination arrangements for candidates with a disability sitting ATAR course examinations need to be received by the Authority. |
12 May – 30 May | The externally set task for each General and Foundation Year 12 course being delivered is to be completed during this time. |
11 June | 2025 ATAR course examination timetable available on the Authority website. |
23 July | Year 12 Information Handbook 2025, Part II available for viewing or download from the website. |
24 July | Last date for withdrawal of enrolment from ATAR courses with a practical examination component for Year 12 students (via ENCOS file). |
28 July – 29 July | Round 2 of the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (Year 10–12 students) – Writing component tests. |
28 July – 8 August | Round 2 of the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (Year 10–12 students) – Numeracy and Reading component tests. |
30 July | Last day for schools to lodge applications for alternative format ATAR course practical examinations. |
11 August | Last day for withdrawal of enrolment from ATAR courses without a practical examination component for Year 12 students (via ENCOS file). |
11 August | Last day for withdrawal of enrolment from General, Foundation, Preliminary and VET industry specific courses for Year 12 students (via ENCOS file). |
1 September | Last day for student nominations (via online form) for the 2025 VET Awards by 4.30 pm. |
9 September | Personalised Examination Timetables for the practical and written ATAR course examinations available. |
23 September |
Last day for the Authority to receive:
24 September | Last day for the Authority to receive:
27 September – 5 October | ATAR course practical examinations for Aviation, Dance, Drama, Music and Physical Education Studies. |
27 September – 5 October | ATAR course practical examinations for Languages. |
29 October – 20 November | ATAR course written examinations. |
30 October | Last day for completed sickness/misadventure application forms to be received by the Authority. |
TBC - December | Year 12 students’ results available online via the Authority’s student portal. |
January 2026 | In mid-January 2026 login to the Authority’s student portal to print your folio of achievement for 2025. |
See the Activities Schedule for other key dates.
WACE Requirements
Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)
Achievement of a WACE signifies that you have successfully met the breadth and depth requirement, the achievement standard requirement and the literacy and numeracy standard requirement in your senior secondary schooling.
Courses, units, qualifications and programs from the following groups contribute to the achievement of a WACE:
- ATAR courses
- General courses
- Foundation courses
- VET industry specific courses
- VET qualifications
- Endorsed programs.
Schools choose to offer courses that meet the needs and interests of their students in line with the resources they have available.
Breadth and depth
Completion of 20 units which must include:
- a minimum of 10 Year 12 units, or the equivalent
- four units from an English learning area course, including at least one pair of Year 12 units
- one pair of Year 12 units from each of List A (arts/languages/social sciences) and List B (mathematics/science/technology).
Achievement standard
- Achievement of at least 14 C grades or higher (or the equivalent) in Year 11 and 12 units, including at least six C grades (or equivalents) in Year 12 units
- Completion of at least four Year 12 ATAR courses or a Certificate II (or higher) VET qualification.
Literacy and numeracy standard
- Demonstration of the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy through OLNA or achieving Band 8 or higher in the Year 9 NAPLAN tests
WACE Checker
You can use the WACE Checker to check your progress towards meeting the requirements of the WACE. It is designed to determine whether you have met (or are expected to meet) each of the requirements for the WACE.
You will find the WACE Checker for Year 12 students on the Authority website at
The WACE Checker makes its calculation on the basis of the information you enter. You will need to add information about your achievements in Year 11 and your expected achievements in Year 12, including:
- literacy and numeracy standard
- course enrolment
- VET achievement
- VET industry specific courses
- endorsed programs
- block credit.
When you add your anticipated grades for Year 12, you should add what you realistically expect to achieve this year.
The WACE Checker generates a report that shows the information you have entered and the requirements that you have met. If you are missing a requirement, the WACE Checker shows what it is. You can then choose to save and/or download and print the report.
Year 10 Information
In Year 10 you choose the courses you will study in Year 11. Year 11 gives you the opportunity to choose courses that reflect your strengths and interests, and support your career aspirations. If you enjoy the courses you study, you are more likely to do well in them. The Authority provides a wide range of courses and programs for Years 11 and 12. Schools make decisions about which courses and programs they will offer. These decisions are based on a range of factors such as resources, staffing and community need.
Check out the Year 10 information handbook for information for students currently enrolled in Year 10. It is designed to provide a reference point for studies in Years 11 and 12 and, in particular, for the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). Further information and advice is also available to you and your parents from school staff such as counsellors, year coordinators, vocational education and training (VET) coordinators and deputy principals.